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Spy x Family Scores a Record Viewership of over 9.9 million
Spy x Family Scores a Record Viewership of over 9.9 million
Spy x Family Scores a Record Viewership of over 9.9 million
By Dharmesh Sahu,
November 2, 2022
[{"selector":"#anim-ac73fc4f-6600-49b6-b3a2-2cf3375dedf7 [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(3.030612219585933%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
Over the course of the last six months,
has gone on to become a cultural phenomenon in Japan.
Over the course of the last six months,
has gone on to become a cultural phenomenon in Japan.
Read More
[{"selector":"#anim-e36f96c9-d1db-49c8-bba7-9cdecde2f723 [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(-1.1020408071221617%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
Millions of viewers have been tuning into this slice-of-life comedy anime from Cloverworks and WIT Studio.
Millions of viewers have been tuning into this slice-of-life comedy anime from Cloverworks and WIT Studio.
[{"selector":"#anim-e14a1ad1-b1bd-44f8-87e0-0b7fc1277927 [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(0%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
And now the first episode of the second cour of
(Episode 13 overall) has scored a record-breaking viewing figure.
And now the first episode of the second cour of
(Episode 13 overall) has scored a record-breaking viewing figure.
[{"selector":"#anim-7177d643-79fd-4cc5-bb7d-d9b66fce0c36 [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(0%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
Cour 2 premiered with over 9.93 million viewers on Japanese television within Live+7-Day-DVR viewing.
Cour 2 premiered with over 9.93 million viewers on Japanese television within Live+7-Day-DVR viewing.
Full Story
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This is one of the biggest viewing figures for an anime in the past decade.
This is one of the biggest viewing figures for an anime in the past decade.
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The anime has also gained more than 3 million viewers on traditional television since its premiere.
The anime has also gained more than 3 million viewers on traditional television since its premiere.
[{"selector":"#anim-dff7cf2d-d808-4eec-ab6d-f4780740a2b4 [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(16.117346804161578%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
has been the Most-Watched TV Show in Japan on streaming.
has been the Most-Watched TV Show in Japan on streaming.
[{"selector":"#anim-e5dfd9dd-e73a-44ea-8b72-f54e49f1f05f [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(0%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
And the anime has also become the Most-Watched TV Show on DVR on traditional television. Truly a mammoth hit.
And the anime has also become the Most-Watched TV Show on DVR on traditional television. Truly a mammoth hit.
[{"selector":"#anim-b1a7b676-fd6f-4d2c-9d14-7cfa4bbfbcfa [data-leaf-element="true"]","keyframes":{"transform":["translate(0%, 0%) scale(1.5)","translate(0%, 0%) scale(1)"]},"delay":0,"duration":2000,"easing":"cubic-bezier(.3,0,.55,1)","fill":"forwards"}]
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