90s anime occupies a special place in both the hearts of the fans of the medium as well as the history of animation and the anime industry in general. A lot of us kids from the 90s and 2000s grew up with these anime, whether it was Sunday Morning Cartoons like Pokemon and Digimon or late-night stuff like Dragon Ball Z that we’d stay past our bedtime to watch on Toonami. Week after week, many of us patiently waited with utmost devotion for every new episode of these shows.
The 90s era for anime is iconic and memorable in so many ways. This golden age of anime bore witness to the birth of shows that not only etched an indelible mark on otaku culture but have since become a staple of the medium and sparked a massive cultural revolution.
Titles like “Dragon Ball Z,” “Sailor Moon,” “Pokémon,” and “Neon Genesis Evangelion” transcended the boundaries of the medium both culturally and geographically and went on to become cultural juggernauts, a pop-culture staple that is still celebrated today.
Whether it was the promise of the fated battle between Ash and Gary or the iconic action-packed World Martial Arts Tournament in Dragon Ball Z that was the introduction to tournament arcs for many of us, within their intriguing, gorgeous, and wonderfully vibrant world, we witnessed plenty of action and memorable adventures in these shows. These anime didn’t just offer us an escape into the world of animation and these powerful stories, but their themes of camaraderie and resilience have left quite a mark across generations.
We laughed with these shows, and we have cried with these shows. We were thrilled, and we were also entertained. A lot of us wanted to be like the likes of Goku, Usagi, and Ash, and it is no wonder that these characters are a household name even two decades later.
The far-reaching impact of 90s anime even extended beyond the screen and really pushed the trend of anime marketing with action figures and collectables. Evangelion, especially, has been a staple brand when it comes to anime merchandise in Japan, even more than two decades after it first aired. And I don’t think any of us can really forget the Pokemon trading cards, which were a big trend among even the kids of my quiet town.
Generations go by, but these shows have found a legacy that is not bound by the constraints of time; newer generations still continue to discover these classics and are still getting reeled into the world of 90s anime and nostalgia. These anime have shaped the modern anime landscape, and works like Berserk have even inspired the likes of modern pop-culture sensations such as Netflix’s Castlevania. The 90s anime has inspired both the creators and animators of the modern generation alongside the fans of the medium.
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And today, we extend an invitation to partake in a poll that underscores the magic of 90s anime. We are asking you to pick your favorite anime from the 90s in the poll below and to comment down your favorite memories of those anime.
Vote for Your Favorite 90s Anime Below.
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